There is something about getting ready for a show. It takes a village.
The boxes are made. The products are in place. The bags are packed but
one is never ready. There is always a last minute "thing" that pops out
of nowhere and makes your head spin but it is never The End. You get up,
dust off the feathers and "deal" with it. Yes, deal with it. One can have an online
store, Facebook account, Twitter and all the nine yards but nothing like
mingling, fraternizing with your supporters, those who appreciate your craft. This is the reason why we
try to participate at shows and events as much as we can so people, they
can sample your work, get to know you.
All packed!
So, we are inviting you in the
Miami/Ft.Laudardale/Palm Beach area, to come on down to Miami Lakes
Garden Club Fall Craft Show tomorrow from 10AM - 4PM. Enjoy arts,
crafts, music, food. Entrance and parking is free. See you there!